NCHR Committees
Civil and Political Rights Committee
This committee addresses issues regarding civil and political rights such as the right to establish political parties and the freedom of political expression. Work by this committee includes oversight of the electoral process and the processing of citizen complaints regarding political freedoms.
Cultural Rights Committee
The committee on cultural rights promotes the fundamental right of every Egyptian to voice their opinions freely through the production of art, music, and other forms of cultural expression. This committee also supervises the implementation of laws regarding the issuance of artistic licenses and handles citizen complaints regarding violations of freedom of expression.
International Relations Committee
This committee is the primary liaison between the Egyptian government and international bodies and human rights organizations. Through several activities, this committee coordinates with the international community to ensure the Egyptian government conforms with its international obligations and to inform the world about the current status of human rights in Egypt.
Social Rights Committee
The Committee on Social Rights protects and develops the social rights of every Egyptian citizen, such as the right to receive quality education and health care. This includes dealing with government agencies in developing new legislation and overseeing the implementation of existing government policies to ensure their fair application.
Economic Rights Committee
Every Egyptian citizen, regardless of his/her background, deserves a decent standard of living and fair working conditions in the workplace. The activities of the Committee on Economic Rights are aimed at raising awareness and spreading a culture of human rights among employers, government bodies and citizens alike.
Legislative Committee
During the process of developing new laws, members of the Legislative Committee are often called upon to provide suggestions for improvements to existing drafts. This committee works directly with the Egyptian Parliament to ensure that new laws both protect Egyptian human rights and adhere to Egypt’s international treaty commitments. Members of the Legislative Committee provide their recommendations for improving draft laws during the legislative process. The committee works directly with the Egyptian Parliament to ensure that new laws protect human rights and are in line with international conventions.
Complaints Committee
The Complaints Committee deals directly with the processing of complaints regarding human rights violations. Once received, the members of the committee contact the relevant government bodies and take the first steps towards investigating and ultimately resolving the complaint. After the process has been completed, the committee is also responsible for following-up to ensure that appropriate steps have been taken to prevent the conditions that led to the initial complaint. The Complaints Committee deals directly with the handling of complaints on human rights violations. Once received, members of the Committee contact the relevant governmental bodies and take the initial steps towards investigating and resolving the complaint. Once the process is complete, the Committee is also responsible for the follow-up to ensure that appropriate measures have been taken to prevent the conditions that led to the initial complaint.